, pub-8438675533923072, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Science | Exam Saviour
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Edexcel offers the double science award and the triple science award. Triple science students sit 2 exams for each of the sciences (two exams for biology, two exams for chemistry and two for physics) and receive 3 GCSEs/iGCSEs at the end of their course. Double science students sit one exam for each of the sciences and receive 2 GCSEs/iGCSEs. 


The main advice I will give you is to follow the specification. The exam will only test you on the specification so make sure you learn every spec point. The website I found most useful was savemyexams. This website contains revision notes, topic notes and past papers. I would learn by using the revision notes, making flashcards for the spec points I found difficult, study them and then I would do topic questions. When I felt ready, I would move onto the past papers. By the end of the year 11, I managed to complete most of the past papers on the website. Physicsandmathstutor also had some useful past papers. 






Make sure you keep a record of the past papers you have done, so as to not accidentally repeat them and waste your time. 


Space out your revision for example, try to do a few spec points for each of the sciences a day. This will help you learn better- trust me I crammed the night before my mocks- not the best idea. 


If you don't understand a certain topic, YouTube is your best friend.


SciencewithHazel is an AMAZING YouTube channel. She has videos that are two hours long covering the entire course! If you are cramming for your exams, she's going to be your saviour. However, make sure you click on the right video because she has many iGCSE videos for each board. 


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