, pub-8438675533923072, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 History | Exam Saviour
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Image by Clarisse Meyer



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The iGCSE history course was probably one of the hardest iGCSE courses that I did. The four topics that I did were: Medicine c1848- c1948, Development of dictatorship in Germany, USA Civil Rights 1945-1974 and The USA 1918-1941. The notes below were extremely helpful alongside the textbook to study for the exam. I studied by making reading over the notes and textbook, making flashcards for the dates and statistics that I had to learn for the exams.

However, to excel, you must put the knowledge to practice by doing practice papers. The iGCSE Edexcel textbooks had a lot of exam questions which I tried to go through.


The biggest problem I faced was time-management. There are 3 questions asked for each of the modules: one 6 mark question, one 8 mark question and one 16 mark question. Set timers when practicing these questions.


I tried to spend 8 minutes on the 6 mark question,

12 minutes on the 8 mark question and

25 minutes on the 16 mark question. 


This course consists of two papers: a depth study paper and a breadth study paper. One paper is 1 hour and 30 minutes long so you should spend 45 minutes on each module. 


Most of the past papers online for this subject is for the old spec so I would advise you to work on the sample questions in the textbook itself. If you do plan on searching for the full paper, please ensure that it is on the updated specification. 





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